Navigating Nonessential Research Trials During COVID19: The Push We Needed For Using Digital Technology To Increase Access For Rural Participants? by Jennifer E Phipps May 27, 2020 Human & Animal Health Dr. Simmons and Duke School of Nursing Collaborator, Devon Noonan, just published this article in the Journal of Rural Health. UC Davis featured this article as part of campus information about COVID-19, "COVID-19 Limitations Unique Opportunity for Researchers to Decrease Digital Divide."
The Co-occurrence of Daily Smoking, Binge Drinking and IPV Among Latino Expectant Fathers by Jennifer E Phipps January 30, 2020 Human & Animal Health Devon Noonan at the Duke School of Nursing just published, The Co-occurrence of Daily Smoking, Binge Drinking and IPV Among Latino Expectant Fathers in the Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, Dec 6 2019. This work was completed in collaboration with Dr. Simmons.
Understanding Social Determinants of Cardiometabolic Disease Risk in Rural Women by Jennifer E Phipps October 25, 2019 Human & Animal Health Dr. Simmons' PhD student at Duke University, Jewel Scott, just published, "Understanding Social Determinants of Cardiometaboloic Disease Risk in Rural Women."